21 Days Habits to Become a Conscious Consumer August 15, 2022Marlyn Hosking The path to making a difference Even the smallest changes in the choices we make can contribute to a bigger solution. With so many options and resources on how you...
Save Money and Reduce Waste on 2023! August 11, 2022Marlyn Hosking Save Money and Reduce Waste by switching to reusable water bottle Reusable water bottles are a great way to save money and reduce waste. Buying a reusable bottle is a...
7 Ways to Prevent Diabetes May 03, 2021Marlyn Hosking Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. Uncontrolled cases can cause blindness, kidney failure, heart disease and other serious conditions. Before diabetes is diagnosed,...
Los Beneficios de usar un Foam Roller January 29, 2021Marlyn Hosking El Foam roller o rodillo que es y para qué sirve. El Foam Roller es básicamente un rodillo de goma ó goma-espuma, pero que se mantiene firme, y que permite...